

Destination-Master.com 由荷兰阿姆斯特丹的 Destination Master BV 提供。


1. 您的协议

1.1 本网站 https://www.destination-master.com 和/或 Destination-Master.com 应用程序(统称“Destination-Master.com”)由荷兰注册公司 Destination Master BV 运营。在使用 Destination-Master.com 以及 Destination Master BV 的附属公司(统称“Destination-Master.com”)或第三方运营商(统称“运营商”)通过 Destination-Master.com 提供的服务(统称“服务”)之前,请仔细阅读这些使用条款(统称“本使用条款”)。本使用条款中使用的“您”和“您的”包括 (1) 访问 Destination-Master.com 的任何人和 (2) 您为其购买服务的人员。

2. Change of Terms of Use

2.1 Destinaion-Master.com 修改

2.1.1 Destination-Master.com 由 Destination Master BV 运营,保留随时更改或修改本使用条款任何部分的权利,无需事先通知。您应定期访问此页面,以查看您受约束的当前使用条款。如果 Destination-Master.com 更改或修改本使用条款,Desitnation-Master.com 将在此页面上发布对本使用条款的更改或修改,并在此页面底部注明本使用条款的最新修订日期。

2.1.2 在任何此类变更或修改之后,您继续使用 Destination-Master.com 即表示您接受修订后的使用条款。如果您不同意遵守修订后的使用条款,请勿使用或访问或继续使用或访问 Destination-Master.com 和/或服务。您有责任定期检查 Destination-Master.com 以确定本使用条款是否有任何变更并查看此类变更。

2.1.3 此外,在使用服务时,您还应遵守可能不时发布在与该服务相关的页面上的适用于该服务的任何附加条款以及 Destination-Master.com 不时采用的隐私政策(“隐私政策”)。所有此类条款特此通过引用明确纳入本使用条款。

3. Access and Use of the Services

3.1 内容所有权

3.1.1 本Destination-Master.com、Destination-Master.com定期提供的域名(Destination-Master.com)、子域名、功能、内容和应用服务(包括但不限于任何移动应用服务)均由Destination-Master.com或Destination Master BV拥有和运营。

3.2 服务的提供和可及性

3.2.1 Subject to this Terms of Use, Destination-Master.com may either offer to provide the Services by itself or on behalf of the Operators, as described in further detail on the Destination-Master.com. The Services that have been selected by you on the Destination-Master.com are solely for your own use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party. The term "Services" includes but is not limited to the use of the Destination-Master.com any Services offered by Destination-Master.com by itself or on behalf of the Operators on the Destination-Master.com. Destination-Master.com may change, suspend or discontinue any Services at any time, including the availability of any feature, database or content. Destination-Master.com may also impose limits or conditions on certain Services or restrict your access to any part or all of the Services without notice or liability.

3.2.2 Destination-Master.com does not guarantee that the Services will always be available or uninterrupted. Destination-Master.com will not be liable to you if for any reason the Services are unavailable at any time or for any period. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to the Services. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Services through Internet connection are aware of this Terms of Use and other applicable terms and conditions for the Services, and that they comply with them.

3.2.3 如果您链接到 Destination-Master.com,Destination-Master.com 可随时自行决定撤销您链接的权利。Destination-Master.com 保留在链接到 Destination-Master.com 之前要求事先获得书面同意的权利。

4. Destination-Master.com 和内容

4.1 内容的使用

4.1.1 All materials displayed or performed on the Destination-Master.com including but not limited to text, data, graphics, articles, photographs, images, illustrations, video, audio and other materials (“Content”) are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. This Destination-Master.com and the Content are intended solely for your personal and non-commercial use of the Services and may only be used in accordance with this Terms of Use.

4.1.2 If Destination-Master.com agrees to grant you access to the Destination-Master.com and/or the Content, such access shall be non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited license to access the Destination-Master.com in accordance with this Terms and Use. Destination-Master.com may, at its absolute discretion and at any time, without prior notice to you, amend or remove or alter the presentation, substance or functionality of any part or all of the Content from the Destination-Master.com.

4.1.3 您应遵守Destination-Master.com和通过Destination-Master.com访问的内容中包含的所有版权声明、商标规则、信息和限制,并且不得在未经各自所有者事先明确书面同意的情况下,为任何目的使用、复印、复制、修改、翻译、出版、广播、传输、分发、执行、上传、展示、许可、出售或以其他方式利用Destination-Master.com或内容或第三方提交内容或其他不属于您的专有权利,或以任何侵犯任何第三方权利的方式利用Destination-Master.com或内容或第三方提交内容或其他不属于您的专有权利。

4.2 Destination-Master.com 对 Destination-Master.com 及其内容的责任

4.2.1 Destination-Master.com cannot guarantee the identity of any other users with whom you may interact with in the course of using the Destination-Master.com. Destination-Master.com cannot guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of any content, materials or information which other users or the Operators may provide. All Content accessed by you using the Destination-Master.com is at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage or loss to any party resulting therefrom.

4.2.2 在任何情况下,Destination-Master.com 均不对任何内容承担任何责任,包括但不限于任何内容中的任何错误或遗漏,或因使用或接触任何通过 Destination-Master.com 发布、通过电子邮件发送、访问、传输或以其他方式提供的内容而产生的任何损失或损害。

4.3 排序顺序

4.3.1 我们提供排序和过滤设置,以便您使用可用性、价格建议、服务受欢迎程度、服务评论或其他标准等标准调整搜索结果以适应您的偏好。我们会不断优化 Destination-Master.com,为您提供最佳体验,并可能不时测试不同的默认排序算法。

5. 知识产权

5.1 知识产权

5.1.1 与 Destination-Master.com 相关的所有知识产权均属于 Destination-Master.com 或已授权 Destination-Master.com 在 Destination-Master.com 上使用。根据适用的版权法、国际公约和其他知识产权法,Destination-Master.com、服务和内容作为集体作品和/或汇编受版权和其他知识产权的保护。您承诺:(a) 您不得全部或部分修改、发布、传输、参与转让或出售、复制、基于其创作衍生作品、分发、执行、展示或以任何方式利用 Destination-Master.com 的任何部分以及内容、软件、材料或服务;(b) 您只能为个人和非商业用途下载或复制内容(以及 Destination-Master.com 上显示的或与服务相关的其他项目),前提是您保留此类内容中包含的所有版权和其他声明; (c)您不得以任何形式存储任何内容的任何重要部分。未经 Destination-Master.com 或该内容版权声明中指明的版权持有人事先书面许可,明确禁止复制或存储除个人和非商业用途以外的任何内容。

6. 用户提交的内容

6.1 信息上传

6.1.1 在访问Destination-Master.com或使用服务的过程中,您提供的信息可能会被Destination-Master.com和/或运营商用于与服务相关的目的,并且可能会被Destination-Master.com的其他用户看到。您明白,通过在 Destination-Master.com 上发布信息或内容,或以其他方式向 Destination-Master.com 和/或运营商提供与服务相关的内容、材料或信息(“用户提交内容”):(a)您特此授予 Destination-Master.com 和运营商非排他性、全球范围、免版税、永久的、不可撤销的、可再授权和可转让的权利,使用和充分利用此类用户提交内容,包括其中存在的所有相关知识产权,与提供服务以及运营 Destination-Master.com 和 Destination-Master.com 业务有关,包括但不限于以任何媒体格式和通过任何媒体渠道推广和重新分发部分或全部服务及其衍生作品;(b)您同意并授权 Destination-Master.com 根据不时生效的隐私政策使用您的个人数据; (c) 您特此授予 Destination-Master.com 的每个用户一项非排他性许可,允许其通过 Destination-Master.com 访问您的用户提交内容,并根据 Destination-Master.com 的功能和本使用条款使用、修改、复制、分发、制作衍生作品、展示和表演此类用户提交内容;(d) 您承认并同意 Destination-Master.com 保留对您提交的任何用户提交内容进行重新格式化、修改、创作衍生作品、摘录和翻译的权利。为清楚起见,除非另有书面约定,上述授予 Destination-Master.com 的许可不影响您对用户提交内容的所有权或授予额外非排他性许可的权利;(e) 您特此声明并保证,您用户提交内容中的任何内容(包括但不限于文本、图形和照片)均不侵犯任何适用法律、法规或任何第三方权利; (f) 通过 Destination-Master.com 公开发布或私下传输的所有用户提交内容均由您自行负责,并且 Destination-Master.com 对任何内容中的任何错误或遗漏概不负责。

7. Users Representations, Warranties and Undertakings

7.1 Use of the Destination-Master.com and the Services

7.1.1 您向 Destination-Master.com 声明、保证并承诺,您不会以下列方式提供任何用户提交内容或以其他方式使用 Destination-Master.com 或服务:(a)侵犯或侵害任何第三方的知识产权或所有权、公开权或隐私权或其他权利;或(b)违反任何法律、法令、条例或法规;或(c)有害、欺诈、欺骗、威胁、辱骂、骚扰、侵权、诽谤、粗俗、淫秽、诽谤或其他令人反感的内容;或(d)涉及未经 Destination-Master.com 事先书面同意的商业活动和/或销售,例如竞赛、抽奖、易货、广告或传销;或(e)构成诽谤,冒充任何个人或实体,包括但不限于 Destination-Master.com 的任何员工或代表;或者 (f) 包含病毒、特洛伊木马、蠕虫、定时炸弹或其他有害的计算机代码、文件或程序。

7.2 Removal of User Submissions

7.2.1 Destination-Master.com 保留随时从本 Destination-Master.com 删除任何用户提交内容的权利,理由包括但不限于收到来自第三方或当局的与该用户提交内容有关的索赔或指控,或者 Destination-Master.com 担心您可能违反了任何前述声明、保证或承诺,或者根本没有理由。

7.3 Responsibility for User Submissions

7.3.1 You remain solely responsible for all User Submissions that you upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise disseminate using, or in connection with, the Destination-Master.com.

7.3.2 You acknowledge and agree that you shall be solely responsible for your own User Submissions and the consequences of posting or publishing all of your User Submissions on the Destination-Master.com. You represent, warrant and undertake to Destination-Master.com that: (a) You own or have the necessary rights, licenses, consents, releases and/or permissions to use and authorize Destination-Master.com to use all copyright, trademark or other proprietary or intellectual property rights in and to any User Submission to enable inclusion and use thereof as contemplated by the Destination-Master.com and this Terms of Use; and (b) Neither the User Submissions nor your posting, uploading, publication, submission or transmittal of the User Submission or Destination-Master.com’s use of the User Submissions, or any portion thereof, on or through the Destination-Master.com and/or the Services will infringe, misappropriate or violate any third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, moral rights or other proprietary or intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy, or result in the violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation.

7.3.3 You are responsible for all of your activity in connection with using the Destination-Master.com and/or the Services. You further represent, warrant and undertake to Destination-Master.com that you shall not: (a) Conduct any fraudulent, abusive, or otherwise illegal activity which may be grounds for termination of your right to access or use the Destination-Master.com and/or the Services; or (b) sell or resell any products, services or reservation obtained from or via the Destination-Master.com; (c) use the Destination-Master.com for commercial or competitive activity or purposes, or for the purpose of making speculative, false or fraudulent bookings or any reservations in anticipation of demand; (d) Post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any communication or solicitation designed or intended to obtain password, account, or private information from any other user of the Destination-Master.com; or (e) Violate the security of any computer network, crack passwords or security encryption codes, transfer or store illegal material (including material that may be considered threatening or obscene), or engage in any kind of illegal activity that is expressly prohibited; or (f) Run maillist, listserv, or any other form of auto-responder, or "spam" on the Destination-Master.com, or any processes that run or are activated while you are not logged on to the Destination-Master.com, or that otherwise interfere with the proper working of or place an unreasonable load on the Destination-Master.com’s infrastructure; or (g) Use manual or automated software, devices, or other processes to "crawl," "scrape," or "spider" any page of the Destination-Master.com; or (h) Decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code of Destination-Master.com.

7.3.4 您有责任扣缴、申报和报告与您使用 Destination-Master.com 和/或服务相关的活动有关的所有税款、关税和其他政府评估。

8. 注册和安全

8.1 Opening of the Destination-Master.com Account

8.1.1 In the course of using the Services, you may be required to open and maintain an account with Destination-Master.com (“Destination-Master.com Account”).

8.2 Provision of Personal Information

8.2.1 作为使用某些服务的条件,您可能需要在 Destination-Master.com 注册并选择密码和用户名(“Destination-Master.com 用户 ID”)。如果您通过第三方网站或服务访问服务,Destination-Master.com 可能要求您的 Destination-Master.com 用户 ID 与您在该第三方网站或服务上的用户名相同。

8.2.2 您应向 Destination-Master.com 提供准确、完整且最新的注册信息。未提供上述信息将构成违反本使用条款的行为,并可能导致您的 Destination-Master.com 帐户被立即终止。

8.2.3 您声明您不得:(a)选择或使用其他人的名称作为 Destination-Master.com 用户 ID,意图冒充该人;或(b)在未经适当授权的情况下,使用属于您以外的任何人的权利的名称作为 Destination-Master.com 用户 ID。

8.2.4 Destination-Master.com 保留拒绝注册或取消 Destination-Master.com 帐户的权利,由其自行决定。您应负责维护密码的机密性。

9. 评论 - 进一步通信 - 用户内容的权利

9.1. 完成预订后,您同意接收确认信息(以电子邮件和/或应用程序通知的形式),以及邀请电子邮件或应用程序通知,以便您填写我们的客人评论表,我们将在您完成活动后发送给您。留下评论是可选的。为清楚起见,确认和客人评论电子邮件是交易性的,不是新闻通讯或营销邮件的一部分,您可以取消订阅。完整的客人评论可能会在提交后的 72 小时内上传到 Destination-Master.com 上的相关活动页面,其唯一目的是告知(未来)客户您对活动服务(水平)和质量的看法。提交评论后,您的帐户可能会获得 Destination-Master.com 积分,这些积分可用于您的下一次预订,但须遵守条款和条件。每个帐户在同一日历月内只能为预订的每个活动提交一次或多次评论。欺诈和滥用将导致没收 Destination-Master.com 积分。 Destination-Master.com 进一步保留直接从您的 Destination-Master.com 帐户中扣除任何信用的权利,无需事先通知。

9.2. 通过发表评论,您授予 Destination-Master.com 对所有提交的用户内容的完整、永久、免费、可转让和不可撤销的权利。Destination-Master.com 保留自行决定翻译、编辑、调整、拒绝或删除评论的权利。

9.3. 您确认您将遵守本宾客点评指南。此外,您声明并保证

9.3.1. 您拥有并控制您所发布或以其他方式分发的用户内容的全部权利,或您拥有在平台上或通过平台发布和分发此类用户内容的合法权利;

9.3.2. 该内容准确且不具误导性;且

9.3.3. 使用及张贴或以其他方式传输该等内容不违反使用条款或任何适用法律法规,不会侵犯任何个人或实体的权利或对任何个人或实体造成伤害。


9.5. You further grant Destination-Master.com the right to pursue at law any person or entity that violates your or Destination-Master.com's rights in the content by a breach of the Terms of Use. You agree you will be solely responsible for any user content you provide or submit.

9.6. Content submitted by users will be considered non-confidential and Destination-Master.com is under no obligation to treat such content as proprietary information. Without limiting the foregoing, Destination-Master.com reserves the right to use the content as it deems appropriate, including, without limitation, deleting, editing, modifying, rejecting, or refusing to post it. Destination-Master.com is under no obligation to offer you any payment for content that you submit or the opportunity to edit, delete or otherwise modify content once it has been submitted to Destination-Master.com. Destination-Master.com shall have no duty to attribute authorship of content to you, and shall not be obligated to enforce any form of attribution by third parties. Please refer to the Terms of Use on the Platform for more details.

10. 预订确认、门票、优惠券、费用及付款

10.1 预订确认

10.1.1 Certain Services are stated to be subject to instant confirmation. Other than these Services, any required time for confirmation as stated on the Destination-Master.com is solely for reference only. Actual time required for confirmation may vary.

10.2 优惠券的购买和使用

10.2.1 通过 Destination-Master.com,您可以从 Destination-Master.com 购买由运营商在各个目的地提供的服务的代金券(“代金券”)。根据相关运营商的政策,您将收到一封购买确认电子邮件,其中包含代金券确认号(“确认号”)和可打印版本的代金券。

10.2.2 为了使用您的优惠券,您必须准时亲自到达相关运营商指定的集合点,并出示运营商可能要求的文件和/或信息,其中可能包括您的确认号和/或打印的优惠券。如果您未能准时出现或提供所需的文件或信息,则不会退款。

10.2.3 An Operator may also require you to provide an identification document bearing your photo in order to use your Voucher. Neither Destination-Master.com nor the Operator is responsible for lost, destroyed or stolen Vouchers or Confirmation Numbers. Vouchers will be void if the relevant Services to be provided are prohibited by law. If you attempt to use a Voucher in an unlawful manner (e.g., you attempt to use a Voucher for wine tasting when you are under the legal age to do so), the respective Operator may refuse to accept your Voucher, and no refunds will be granted.

10.2.4 有时,由于技术错误/运营商更改条形码或目的地管理员无法控制的任何其他原因,发出的条形码/优惠券可能在场地无效。客户必须尝试通过网站上列出的电话、实时聊天或电子邮件联系目的地管理员,如果 60 分钟内未收到回复,客户有资格获得全额退款。

10.2.5 目的地管理员将在预订时通过电子邮件发送附有机票/凭证的电子邮件,或通过电子邮件发送一张新凭证,客户仍有责任检查其主要收件箱和垃圾邮件收件箱,以确认已收到机票/凭证。

10.3 优惠券条款

10.3.1 The Terms of Use for each Voucher may vary amongst Operators and any restrictions that apply to the use of such Voucher, including but not limited to a minimum age requirement, will be conveyed to you at the time of purchase on the Destination-Master.com.

10.3.2 优惠券是一次性活动(以下简称“活动”)的入场券:优惠券可使用的日期将在优惠券上注明。如果您未在优惠券上注明的日期或之前使用优惠券,除非优惠券上明确规定,否则将不予退款。

10.4 取消优惠券

10.4.1 您可以在 Destination-Master.com 购买时规定的取消期限内联系 Destination-Master.com 客服取消您的优惠券。取消期限因情况而异。通过所需通知取消的优惠券将全额退还到您用于购买该优惠券的信用卡中。

10.4.2 运营商(而非 Destination-Master.com)是与优惠券相对应的活动服务的提供者,并且全权负责接受或拒绝您购买的与所有此类服务相关的任何优惠券。

10.4.3 如果您对使用代金券所获得的服务有任何疑问或投诉,请直接咨询运营商。除非本文另有明确规定,否则代金券的所有费用均不可退还。代金券报价以购买前 Destination-Master.com 上显示的货币为准。

10.4.4 If an Event which you have purchased a Voucher for is canceled by the Operator, Destination-Master.com will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable, and will process a full refund to the credit card you used to purchase such Voucher.

10.5 所需协助

10.5.1 如果您尝试根据本使用条款以及适用于该优惠券的附加条款和条件使用优惠券,但无法这样做(由于运营商的过错或其他原因),请通过 support@Destination-Master.com.com 联系 Destination-Master.com,Destination-Master.com 将尝试与运营商联系以寻求适当的补救措施。

10.6 Additional Charges

10.6.1 Destination-Master.com 保留要求支付 Destination-Master.com 提供的任何服务的费用或收费的权利。您应支付与您选择的此类服务相关的所有适用费用或收费,如 Destination-Master.com 上所述。

10.7 费用修改

10.7.1 Destination-Master.com reserves the right to change its price list for fees or charges at any time, upon notice to you, which may be sent to you by email or posted on the Destination-Master.com. Your use, or continued use, of the Services offered by Destination-Master.com following such notification constitutes your acceptance of any new or revised fees or charges.

10.8 Destination-Master.com的权利和义务

10.8.1 Destination-Master.com 保留拒绝和取消任何被视为违反本政策的服务预订或购买的权利。此决定由 Destination-Master.com 自行决定。

10.8.2 Destination-Master.com 旨在向您提供或促使运营商以市场上最优惠的价格提供服务。您承认并同意,在确定最佳价格时,明确排除使用服务可能产生的特定服务的所有税费和附加费用。

10.8.3 虽然运营商必须向 Destination-Master.com 提供 Destination-Master.com 上服务的准确和更新的价格,但 Destination-Master.com 不能保证运营商所提供的服务的所有价格在任何时候都是准确和更新的。

10.9 上述条款和条件及退货政策适用于全球所有 Destination-Master.com 用户。


11.1 Destination-Master.com 积分

11.1.1 Destination-Master.com 积分是奖励给您的点数,将在您的 Destination-Master.com 帐户中累积直至到期。根据购买时的奖励计划,积分是根据从 Destination-Master.com 购买的实际参与且未退款的活动授予的。除非另有说明,否则每十 (10) 个 Destination-Master.com 积分可用于抵消总结账价格中的一美元 ($1.00)。兑换成任何其他货币将根据您购买抵消之日 Destination-Master.com 使用的汇率计算。

11.1.2 Destination-Master.com 积分可通过以下方式获得,每次购买获得的 Destination-Master.com 积分数额可能有所不同,并由 Destination-Master.com 自行决定:(a) 以前购买的返利 (b) 通过 Destination-Master.com 自行决定授权的任何方式获得 (c) 成功完成您购买的任何符合条件的 Destination-Master.com 活动后提交活动评论

11.1.3 您只能获得每个日历月内您评论的前十项活动的 Destination-Master.com 积分。如果您在同一个月内多次完成同一项活动,您将只能获得您为该活动提交的第一条评论的 Destination-Master.com 积分。

11.1.4 All Destination-Master.com Credits earned any time will expire 365 days after the last valid Destination-Master.com Credits Eligible Transaction. A “Destination-Master.com Credits Eligible Transaction” includes unrefunded purchase of any Services from Destination-Master.com, and other activities for which Destination-Master.com Credits are awarded, such as leaving reviews for applicable Services. If any purchase is refunded, your Destination-Master.com Credits will adjusted, and your Destination-Master.com Credits will be valid from 365 days since your last Destination-Master.com Credits Eligible Transaction. All expired Destination-Master.com Credits will be forfeited and cannot be reinstated. For any Destination-Master.com Credits earned on or before 30 June 2022, the 365-day period for the Destination-Master.com Credit earning activity will start to count on 1 July 2022.

11.1.5 预订和送货费用和收费不符合赚取 Destination-Master.com 积分的资格,也不能使用 Destination-Master.com 积分来兑换或扣除预订和送货费用和收费

11.2 Destination-Master.com 优惠券

11.2.1 Destination-Master.com 优惠券是一次性使用的优惠券,使用后将不予退还,优惠券将发送到您指定的电子邮件地址或直接应用于您的 Destination-Master.com 帐户,可用于兑换未来在 Destination-Master.com 预订平台上预订的折扣。为避免疑问,一旦您在 Destination-Master.com 预订平台上使用了 Destination-Master.com 优惠券,此类 Destination-Master.com 优惠券在任何情况下均不予退还或退款。

11.2.2 Destination-Master.com 积分可通过以下方式获得:(a)您可以通过 Destination-Master.com 推荐计划获得 Destination-Master.com 优惠券,如第 11 条中进一步详细说明的那样;或(b)您可以通过 Destination-Master.com 自行决定的其他授权方式获得 Destination-Master.com 优惠券。

11.3 滥用折扣

11.3.1 如果 Destination-Master.com 发现 Destination-Master.com 积分或 Destination-Master.com 优惠券是通过欺诈方式、违反本使用条款的方式或非 Destination-Master.com 预期的方式获得的,Destination-Master.com 保留以下权利:(a)立即终止您的 Destination-Master.com 帐户;或(b)取消之前累积的所有 Destination-Master.com 积分或 Destination-Master.com 优惠券;或(c)拒绝向您提供服务;或(d)Destination-Master.com 自行决定采取任何其他认为适当的措施。

12. Destination-Master.com Referral Program

12.1 程序

12.1.1 在某些 Destination-Master.com 网站上,当会员邀请朋友成为 Destination-Master.com 网站的会员并且这些朋友通过授权的 Destination-Master.com 邀请渠道(“Destination-Master.com 授权渠道”)(例如,通过 Destination-Master.com、Facebook 或 Destination-Master.com 支持的其他社交媒体渠道发送的邀请)确认预订时,Destination-Master.com 可能会为会员提供赢取 Destination-Master.com 优惠券的机会。

12.2 条款

12.2.1 您只能通过 Destination-Master.com 授权会员邀请机制获得 Destination-Master.com 优惠券。Destination-Master.com 授权渠道之外的推荐不会产生任何 Destination-Master.com 优惠券。您了解 Destination-Master.com 优惠券不可转让,不得拍卖、交换或出售,也不得与其他会员共用。

12.2.2 You will only receive Destination-Master.com Coupons for the first confirmed booking made by a friend who makes his or her first booking on the Destination-Master.com Sites and subsequently completes his or her first booking as a result of an invite from you via a Destination-Master.com Authorized Channel. If your friend does not follow the directions in the invite email or other valid invite mechanism to accept the invitation, you may not receive Destination-Master.com Coupons, and Destination-Master.com will have no liability to you for your friend’s failure to follow directions.

12.2.3 You agree that having multiple Destination-Master.com Accounts is a violation of this Terms of Use and that sending invites to alternate email addresses or accounts or otherwise attempting to circumvent the Destination-Master.com Referral Program system may, without limiting any of Destination-Master.com’s other rights or remedies, result in forfeiture of your membership and all Destination-Master.com Coupons in your Destination-Master.com Account.

12.2.4 您不得就 Destination-Master.com 推荐计划开展自己的推广活动。您不得代表 Destination-Master.com 从事任何推广、营销或其他广告活动,包括使用 Destination-Master.com 的任何商标。

12.2.5 如果怀疑推荐或 Destination-Master.com 优惠券是通过欺诈方式、违反本使用条款的方式或 Destination-Master.com 不打算的方式获得的,Destination-Master.com 保留取消推荐和获得的 Destination-Master.com 优惠券的权利。

12.2.6 Destination-Master.com 优惠券将在符合条件的受邀者在 Destination-Master.com 上完成确认预订后的 24 小时内通过电子邮件发送到您指定的电子邮件地址

12.2.7 Destination-Master.com 保留根据每个用户的活动修改 Destination-Master.com 推荐计划的价值和奖励的权利。

12.2.8 Destination-Master.com Referral Program is void where prohibited by law. Destination-Master.com reserves the right to modify or terminate the Destination-Master.com Referral Program at any time. Should there be any tax liability for the accumulation and/or use of Destination-Master.com Coupons, such taxes are the sole responsibility of the participant. You understand that your Destination-Master.com Account may not accurately reflect the Destination-Master.com Coupons you have actually earned. Destination-Master.com will have no liability for any errors displayed in your Destination-Master.com Account.

13. Contact

13.1 Please contact Destination-Master.com at help@destination-master.com to report any violations of this Terms of Use or to pose any questions regarding this Terms of Use or the Service.


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