- Public transportation nearby
- No previous diving experience required
- Minimum age required is 10 years.
- A liability form is mandatory to be filled out at check-in.
- Please bring your swimsuit and flip-flops.
- Prior scuba diving experience is mandatory for the Platinum package.
It is mandatory to read and understand the below terms before you proceed with your booking:
- You must be comfortable in the water and able to swim.
- You will arrive at least 15min before the start of your experience.
- You understand that your experience will be cancelled, and all payments lost if you arrive late.
- You agree to follow all Deep Dive Dubai Policies and procedures.
- Admission fees are not refundable. Rescheduling must be at least five days in advance.
- You agree to avoid all alcohol or non-prescription drugs at least 24 hours before diving.
- You must be at least 10 years old on the day of your dive. If less than 18 years of age, you will bring a parent or legal guardian on the day of your dive.
- You agree to complete the Deep Dive Dubai Liability release
and medical form.
- If you suffer from or have previously suffered from any of the medical conditions
listed, you agree to submit a filled, signed, and stamped copy of the declaration of Fitness form from your doctor.
- You agree to avoid flying or high altitude (i.e., Burj Khalifa) at least 24 hours after diving.